Saturday, June 10, 2023

16, 344. CAPSTONE

Every dog has a damned-double of itself
hidden in its innermost soul. That's why
they're always barking, when it catches 
their attention. No leash nor cage is any
good for that. Maybe people are like that
too (I won't stick around here; instead just
dive in and swim away). I don't feel the
need to stay.
Down at the water-side, there's an old 
light-pole, one which hasn't had a light 
on it for many a year. That's OK with my.
I hate outdoor lighting, and it's people too.
My last couple of days have been relentless
and engaging too. Nothing' I'd wish to retell 
or repeat. I awake each morn with a scalding
anvil inside my chest, on fire, black with heat.

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