Tuesday, June 21, 2022

14,377. TURNED-IN

As an opposite, with no
disregard for motive but plenty
of motive to disregard, I enter
the realm of felicity. Sometimes
living is no living at all.
I can notice - or want to - when
the workmen come, and the 
painters and the bakers and the 
clerks. They each enter these 
buildings for work.
Some with hands held high 
in greetings, they seem mostly 
to all know each other. Repeated 
undertakings and daily meetings;
ships passing in the daylight hours. 
Any hurry seems to hurt, as they 
enter, steady, and in concert  - not
as one but as many between them.
Tedium along the concourse,
but with a rumble and a din.

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