Sunday, June 12, 2022

14,359. RUDIMENTS, pt. 2,276

 RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,276
(faithful to the tee), pt. one
The more I age, the closer 
now I get to the end of my 
life, the more I am certain 
that the things I've always 
thought and believed have
been correct, all along. It's
difficult to say, because all
is stacked against me, (not
'me' necessarily; that's too 
vain. What I mean to say is
anyone like me, who would
be saying here the things I'm
about to say. There are any
numbers of words to be used:
bigot, anti-Semite, crank, 
anti-social asshole...and they
each could  - with enough
twisting, and by someone
crafty enough to perhaps
take me on)...Not that I, at
this stage, would much care.
If  -  as is said  -  the 'apple'
doesn't fall far from the tree,
then - in turn - the rotten apple
that is American society today
does, indeed, fall right into the
hands and laps of the jerkoffs
sitting beneath to partake.
In much the same manner with
which people say 'literally' when
they mean 'figuratively' ('I can
literally eat horse!'), so too in the
same fashion do they mis-infer
that which is presented to them.
At the base of everything, in fact, 
is a lie, and those lies are presented
to us to be able to have us buy.
Buy something. Endlessly we are
told lies  -  corporate approaches
to doing good, or affirmative
declarations about 'changing the
world,' are all lies. The only thing
to be changed is the place of your
money  -  from your own pocket
into theirs  -  at which point they 
are happy. Quite happy. The United
States of America is a big toilet
bowl, resplendent in its aromatic
finery  -  as long as there is money
to be made. When that stops, you
just watch and see what happens.
There have been many times when
I've heard something and instantly
liked it, and it stayed with me; only
because it made curious sense. Like
when people called a 747 jet a 'slum
of the air,' or when I first heard that
'stammerers tend to talk a lot',; or
how 'lonely people see double
entendres everywhere.' Like the
guy on the train once, who said 
'I have led several lives, and I'm
still leading some of them.'
I think that a person, as they 
roll along, usually figures that 
the things they held fast by will
usually turn out to have been 
incorrect, but in my own case,
as I said, the opposite has been
happening. My beliefs and my
feelings, over these years, have
simply been strengthened and
reinforced. In my own case, the
tweaking that went on in my 
early years  -  all that home, 
church, and school stuff, did
turn out, as I thought, to be
merely a window dressing for
producing the most passive and
staid followers of societal forms
and beliefs  -  which of course
do not independently exist at
all. Oddly enough, someone like
Henry David Thoreau is revered
for the near-childlike softness and
observational passivity in the face
of those norms, while someone
like Ted Kaczynski is abhorred.
Though there's no difference,
really, by any standards  -  the
ideology is about the same, and
though the morality differs and 
the deaths involved make a factor, 
yes, the usually-applauded (or, 
supposedly) commitment and
dedication - attributes to which
this stupid society imputes great
value only inasmuch as you 'buy'
the 'product' being advertised as
exemplifying such virtues  -  are
the same. What is it it was called
in the Clinton years? 'Collateral
Damage?'  -  what's a few bodies
here and there in pursuit of an
The more I live the more I see
people as alien beings  -  a cohort
of scientific experiments, a huge
mob growing and rampant. I read
a book once called 'Your Inner
Fish' in which the author quite
scientifically and with clarity,
explored the ideas of Humans
as slime creatures that slowly
evolved upward from the much
of the seas and waters  -  as
mudfish, then as crawling gropers
with primitive hands, and only
later, much later, as eventual
humanoids. Neil Shubin is the
author. Frankly I didn't much
believe a word of his thesis, but
book was important to me for
forming further my own, just 
as audacious, I suppose, theory
for the framework of why we
are here and what our physical
attributes could possibly mean.
In any case, I believe we were
engineered by an alien race,
of from another planet, all of
which involved dimensional 
travel through the realms of
space and time, and which still
goes on. The 'Human' factor of
what we are was produced and
transferred to here, quite in a
made of precision, science, and
interstellar advancement, in an
almost workshop fashion until
a suitable end-result was arrived
at. Us. One amazing thing, which
still holds (and there are many)
is the spine we each have. Watch
carefully any person, whether
before you live or, perhaps, before
you remotely, on a screen. You
will see all the attributes of a
space alien in the facial moves
and contortions while speaking.
The spine we each have has been
engineered so that our heads and
faces are merely the last, topmost,
disc, or part of the spine, which 
was developed as the topmost and
and protective covering (skull 
cranium) of our 'control' center
web of neurons and relays and
electrical and synapse-jumping
informational transfers. The
flesh of the face, therefore, is 
merely a covering for all those
function held above, within this
topmost disc  -  and this can be
seen clearly in the boney-spine
of a fish. (If you spend as much
time as I have in the investigative
observations of interpersonal
politics, you too would see this).
Now, you may say  -  and within
your rights  -  'This all means
nothing, nor changes anything'  -
and you'd be correct. It is the
nature of living that we do not
acknowledge the control factors
that hover over us  -  we merely
'receive' the informational and
the broadcast framework, and
claim it to be 'Reality' and to
be 'Society' and the behaviors,
assumptions, rules, and ideas
by which lives are lead. In any
other sensible format, such things 
as 'starvation' and 'despair' and
'tragedy' would not be formulated.
But we are of a different ilk. Our
processing brains and manners
function on, while never even
acknowledging back to us what
they are doing. Every word and
deed has its source. 'Auto-matons,
indeed. We are now the meta of
our own metaphors. 
end of pt. one, Rudiments #1,276

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