Thursday, June 16, 2022

14,365. ANYONE

Anyone who wants to can always
go home again That gate with the
flower-pot and the numbers on it
has good hinges : an Indiana to an
Alburquerque, some messaged
place of the most open mind.
Let's weave our Mothers' stories
back into the 'real.' We can live
our lives in so many assorted
ways. Mama was a homegirl,
while Daddy rambled on.
There's a large assortment of
choices to be choosing from:
the gnarled trees and covered
bridges, or the factories and
rock-ribbed ridges. This
once-America was sweet
like that.
Now there are only the morose
caves where you can find fresh
condiments and absorbent panties
for the old and infirm. Everyone
leaks, you know. Two centuries
of solid philosophy have taught
us that. America! To you I
tip my hat!

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