Monday, May 30, 2022

14,333. FOR SO LONG

How I have managed to have
it both ways is beyond me : 
The cadaver in the bushes
certainly must have mistrusted
the future, but not as much as
I do now. Like anyone else, I've
grown tired of the razor's edge.
The blue water  -  which had
turned a putrid green  -  was
just as dead upon arrival. We'd
carved the meadow, by degrees,
into foolish little houses made
of rags and sash. Duplicity.
Duplicity and cash.
There wasn't really anything
left, nor anywhere left to put
anything anyway. I could have
shaken hands with both the
Devil AND the dead guy 
together at that point, and
never known the difference.
I drank for free at the party the
family threw. To honor the dead,
and that Devil too. His sister was
there, and dancing with anyone who
cared to dance. Amazing it all was:
A psychedelic chisel striking  
hard onto a steel-cast brain.

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