Friday, May 14, 2021

13,604. LAWN-CARE?

Those new sorts of buildings they put 
up are gross. Orange facings with some
decorated brick. Like the Albemarle
Hotel or the Fountainbleau  -  things 
were perfect once, in their stark and
broad modernity, soon crumbled to
the ground in a form of ridicule.
People who hate wat, putting up new
fountains. People who insist that their
grasses grow  -  pounding them with
fertilizers and forced growing, and
then killing them again with all their
mowing. Does no one see what's
going on?
There are forty-five people on the
escalator; some going up, others
going down. Fat ones, broad ones,
the skinny and the stylish, all at once
together. Like grass on a lawn, the
fortunate stalks stand next to each 
other  -  until that mower too comes,
and they can't run for cover?

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