Wednesday, February 27, 2013


The mist was thick like a blanket;
enraptured moments of time running by.
Stuck, as I was, in the moment watching,
no stars from the Heavens drove down to
enrage, no limits on high stepped in to engage.
The old sludge of an earthen city droned by.
I pierced this leaden gloom with thoughts of the
oriole and Spring - perhaps only another chance
to find new words, another way to sing. Let me
wander, aimless now, among these passing tides
and currents, watching with wistful eyes the boats
and barges passing. This is a world alone, unto
itself, hiding so many things yet owing nothing.
To others come those moments of bliss : the
padded cell instead here holds me. I look out,
along the river's walls and sidings, and only think
I see what's there - like an unfolding screen, my
febrile mind imagines what it wishes. All things pass.
True colors fade, the mist takes over, and I am gone

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