Tuesday, February 5, 2013

4098. COUNTRY LOVE (a place in rural time)

(a place in rural time)
Let us roam the periphery
once more  -  see that rambling
brook as it roars the rushes, note
the grimy window on the barn  -
each of these are pleasant things
we live with; and, even here, the
winnowed sky stays blue.
I have no match for this heaven,
though I bid you in : your marsh-like
heart can be our lantern, or mine, at
least. Poorly lighting ways to move
and amble, instead  -  and together  - 
we can cut those daring straight
lines like a hawk.
And only now have I suggested rest  -
rest and disclosure anyway together.
I close my magazine hat gladly over
your lids, and maneuver with admittance
this intention to steal your love away.

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