Friday, February 8, 2013


So I inhabit worlds that exist and those
that do not. So my sock-feet are here
ennobled by visions : I am the winsome
stealth-cat, moving between lanes and
staying quiet over fire-escapes of ladder
and hoist. Yes, though it may be this is
the building I live in, so too is it where I
am not. Like Science's capricious foe, I
am that which cannot be measured.
I lived beneath a bridge, right where I
was born. Now, in the Wintry light that
pecks at my face, I manage only to
stare out, look glumly, try to recall,
about this world I've never seen, or
may have, or - yes - seen not at all.
I grow the grand flower 'Paradox';
it weathers every doom and crisis
and grows richer with neglect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bravo ! I know this guy neglect...