Wednesday, September 12, 2012

3885. HOMAGE

I am duty bound and spell-free to wrangle this
dulcimer from the square I inhabit : black train running
down the track, take no time and don't come back.
We have a kingdom of legion within our mangled hands.
Along the shredded horizon  -  look ! look  -  you will
see what stands. Only this  -  the trestle of dreams
and hope, spanning a cavern of lethal mistake and a
place filled with doubt. I have left your shadow. My
secret is out. Let me stand here and gloat.
I enter the threshold. Edgar Allen Poe sat here too.
We played cards amidst shades of death as I thought
about all his days. In his fingers, even the tea cup
withered. Dark eyes, burning in the gloom.
I never knew where to turn : I lost the shadow in
all the light. My ride was not returning. Walk,
walk, walk, all the distant way home.

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