Tuesday, September 4, 2012

3874. THE WALL

Anybody wants to talk, let them talk. All the
monkeys have left their cages, and there's nothing
left here but scraps of salt-lick and peals of bananas.
The zookeeper's gone home to Peru. Every lightbulb
has learned to throw its crooked shadows at my face.
I listen to see if there's water running, a hose, or a
faucet, someplace to wet my lips. I'm parched and
tired and angry. Lost in a maze, am I locked in this
raided zoo for the night? Oh, no. I look over there :
the panther is lurking  -  it too is free of its cage.
Should it see me and lunge, what happens then? Can
I still be a friendly man, even to unfriendly animals?
I want to cower, but, too brave to show fear and to
scared to be brave, I decide to start talking in tongues.
Damn it all if that panther can't listen and understand
what I say! It answers back, something like 'no worry,
you're not what I came for.' I'm so really relieved.
Now, the morning light has already arrived.
The windows are rising their new yellow
light. I open my eyes and realize I'm alive.
No wall to contain me at all.

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