Saturday, June 12, 2010


Yes, yes, I've hanged the change-man
and changed the hangman. I've
put a new morality in place. Making
something from nothing has never been
as easy as this : looking beyond my shoulder,
and over the next hill, seeing what's coming
before it's due to come. I bow to no one, yet
the bowing's done. Now look at that!
The ring is on the other man's
hand again.
'Entering Marmaora, we were first all
puzzled by the size of things - either
over-ample or too small for humans.
Nothing in between. It was certainly a
strange place; and the noises we heard
were all repetitive and annoying.'
That's what I read exactly on the
old explorer's guest card.
Nothing is ever tuned to the
frequency you'd think.
As I saw it, (and so I
told him), the dumbest
ones get the loudest voices,
and vice-versa too.

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