Sunday, October 19, 2008


'You know I ceded that territory a long time ago.
It's about habitat and there's really none left.
People talk. The hours - all the same - sometimes
seem longer and at other times short.
There's nothing anyone can do anymore except rage.'
And then the guy with the chiropractor thighs
steps up and says 'I wasn't born yesterday and I
can see it in the stars - there's nothing going on more
important than the element of awareness making
itself felt now everywhere. I noticed - for pity's sake -
people now are recycling their recycling and filling
their plastic water bottles with water. And you say
the world's not wacko?' It went on like this for
a long time : two morons, it seemed to me, dancing on
the head of a pin which had been set afire with some
flammable gel and thus kept them moving about very
quickly. Their logic was flawless...if you like shit for
your breakfast.

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