Tuesday, December 22, 2020


And it was all that : so late
in the deep, deep, night, I'm
sitting about with my feet up.
Reading Shakespeare? Here,
here, I've decided anew : Time 
for another view. I'll run The
Tempest, MacBeth, and Hamlet
too. (That oughta' do).
Now, it's two days later, and
slowly I'm almost through. In
some respects I like the guides
and commentaries better than
the plays, as they walk me 
through. Frank Kermode. 
Kenneth Rexroth too.
It's a tough world, all this turmoil.
Perchance I spy the libeled lady,
fain, and wiping hand 'cross eye.
Wouldst I not meddle, interchanging
thee, my foe, for this irksome kettle
where the witches brew?

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