Wednesday, March 16, 2016


It seems like it's always the
same shit in this life. Trees grow,
and then they get cut down. Birds
start singing, and then it gets cold
again, and they're off to somewhere
else. Leaving their little kid birds
behind? Who knows. They all look 
alike to me. 'Seen one robin, you 
seen them all.' There's no telling 
for the comparisons of all that we 
do. I did, you didn't' I won't, you 
will. When I was in Brooklyn last, 
outside Grimaldi's Pizza, over by 
the bridge, the people were lined 
up 40 deep. No kidding; for a pizza. 
What kind of crap is that? Life must 
be a boring hell if  you're ready and 
up  for something like that. A couple 
of yellow cabs sat there too. I didn't
get it. 'When life throws you a lemon,
aren't you supposed to make lemonade?',
the girl said, 'I get this guy instead who 
wants to stand in line forty-five minutes 
for a pizza. What gives?' I love the way
those tough Brooklyn girls talk.

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