Friday, January 28, 2011


The surface of the sky is black tonight.
Perpendicular to me somehow - north
by northwest, was it I remembered?
Something about being young, a little
boy in fact, and looking up. Black sky,
ever so high and, out back, in the darkness,
that giant old oak tree I used to climb.
I knew it was there, and all that above it.
I'd look, creamy like an Oreo filling,
something to remember, gazing high
at Little Dipper, Ursa Minor, Big Dipper,
Ursa Major - and such logic these crazy
names had, as if Science could think! If the
smaller was Minor, I'd bet clearly the
larger was Major. Before I started, I'd
already won. Yet, now, so far along and
down the line myself, the cold sky is black
but still above me. A minor difference,
perhaps, that, but a major one for me.

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