Wednesday, May 19, 2010


(from 1958 'til now)
The guy at the corner, the guy at the
corner, driving his car through the
meat-store window. Mother, there are
a rather few things I've forgotten to tell
you - that little store is long gone, replaced
now by a derelict and quite shabby 'professional'
building, long after it was, for many years, a big
thriving, chain supermarket. In between, so much
like you and me, it was nothing at all. Also, I now
have noticed a few 'working' girls working the
corner, for the 'massage parlor' inside. Everything
like this is quite a joke. These girls disrobe for free -
only the rest you have to pay for. Professional fees
negotiable of course. Oh long-gone mother, does this
make it, once again, a meat market, and have we
really come full circle like this?

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