Friday, May 7, 2010


Pretend for a moment I am not me and
you are not you - what I am and what
you are. Eighth Street's old Jumble Shop
of course would have nothing on this -
a mass of apprehensions frothing over.
Mountains of transformations, appendages
not before heard of: Medusa heads of
our very own, with eyes for hands where
hands for eyes should be. (I tackle here
a shorthand with words even I cannot
fully understand).

*'An external object of any kind is an unsupportable abstraction.
In order to conceive the development of the world, in the service
of geology, let us say, we have to present it as it would have looked
had we, with our bodies and our nervous systems, been there to
see it. But to say that the world was as we describe it, a million
years ago, is a statement which overlooks the development of
mind. The nature of a rock, that is, depends on the nature of
the mind that observes it; we can assume that rocks were different
things a million years ago, because we assume that minds were
different as well.'

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