Sunday, March 27, 2022


I have a catalogue of mirrors I walk
through every day : some lead me 
nowhere. Others are doorways to 
places unseen; changeable matters
and stories that bring alternate
scenes. Mostly, it's a pleasurable
enough jaunt, though there have
been times I'd rather wished I'd
stayed away. Again, no matter in
the making of all that I have seen.
Transfixed by twisted images, or
occasionally the grotesque, I've
soldier on through thick and thin.
These mirrors disguise realities,
throwing convex ideas into concave
scenes; altering each digression,
making the broad seem thin, and
the thin more lean. All in all (it
could be said) a hall of mirrors
worth the harbor of Hell.
Streets that sing with sadness seem
both twisted and straight; different
directions paddling into each other.
Am I the one, then, to second guess?
Should I even be looking for what is
correct and, instead, allow these odd 
alterations their lives on their own?
How far can one man step into an
ocean of dread before he drowns? 
( I have a catalogue or mirrors 
where smiles are frowns, and
mourners  -  madly made  -  
become clowns).

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