Thursday, March 31, 2022


The soul presses the body; onward
both go. Springtime looms in the
dead-tired bushes and trees. Barren
and forlorn, life seeks refreshment.
What can be done about this is
unknown : bare cupboards and
empty cabins in the woods.
I saw a frog today; I don't know
what kind. But its spindly legs were
flaring out, underwater, and with a 
mission. I thought of the future. A
form of tomorrow, I guess.
Is that so. Is there really a tomorrow
for me? Can I yet survive another
oblivion. Even my thoughts hurt. I
glimpsed the frog as it disappeared
into the murky mud. I think, anyway.
Seeking the mate to raise its own
future; 'midst mud and sticks and 
bone? Why bother? Just take me home.


I've earned that, damn it all, and
there will be no turning back. 
Death is the essential ingredient 
to life, and there's really no way 
to not mix the two.  : a'priori 
from me to you. 
In the 1970's I sat around reading
'Zen and the Art Of Motorcycle
Maintenance.' When Pirsig was
quite the guy? And then that son
he wrote about died. But the book
kept all premise and the words
they remained. That was an enigma
to me, and all that was claimed.
For designated action. For passive
reclamation. For attention to detail
and the understanding of things.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022


Having fallen asleep in front
of the fire, I woke up startled
and dark. The heat was in waves
around me, like comfort out on a
lark. So, sitting back, I wondered
'Where in the world have I been?'
Vouchsafing no answer, for sure,
I then realized I'd have to invent
one. Where in the world had I
been? Then if hit me: Right
there in a torrent of fire!
Inventing enemies; any I'd desire.
Kings and jousters, errant knights
or horse theives over kingly lands.
I'd recalled severed head on spikes
and fires inside entry halls.
Castles and moats and maidens
and troubadours all. Dungeons
holding the mystic men whose
fortune-telling had gone awry.
What! Were those chains around
me legs? Was I in fact despised
and herewith bound in shackles?
Men were grabbing me, poking
me with staves. I was being led to 
a fire, while some beautiful maid
was pointing at me: 'It is him, yes,
it is him  -  take him away to the
graves, and once there, drop him
in!' I had met my invented enemies,
and they were more real to me 
then then the fires of Hell! 
But where could I go?
And who could I tell?

14,223. A TON OF HOLD

Even my bookshelves are laden
with freight : words and ideas 
and designs. There's a ton of 
hold keeping them all in place. 
I browse like a stranger who's
never been here before.
Sometimes I think back - in joy,
and longingly - with remembering
where this or that came from, or
who touched what volume; names
and dates, sometimes inscribed,
help me remember.
The old Fourth Avenue cronies 
who lurked on book-row. Many
of those men were 80 then, they'd
be 140 now. Curious precedent
how they died?
Nothing lives forever, I guess;
except, maybe, words.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022


And good God aren't we tough;
holding forth in every way with
strength and grand expansion.
Marshmallow Man goes haywire?
Everything here around me now
has a faint reddish hue, the tips of
branches trying anew. Suggesting
something they seem never to
forget how to get to.
Miracles on 34th Street have
nothing on this : And you can
take your glo-brain torture ideas
and shove them where the sun
don't shine. (Is that a NASA 
rhyme?)....and then the guy
in the peacock hat asks if I
have a dime.
'A dime?' I reply. 'And what to
you intend to get with that? At
least take this five-dollar bill
and put it under your....hat?'
The Bulls at Pamplona know
all about that. Toro! Ole!


Seems like shadows never do fall;
just that suggestion of what they
might do. Is it that which we are
supposed to await? Along the 
street-curb Frankie Glanch is
throwing trash  -  he's halfway
to homeless, and it's all the
same to him.
I knew Frankie when : Last year
he was in much better shape. Now
the rags no longer fit his frame.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

14,220. IN A WARP, IN A WRAP

Never singing a jingle rightly, the
fat old lady sang Winchester Cathedral;
badly, but with pride. Notwithstanding
that, my attention was not held. I was
wrapped in a warp of a more distant time.
My own mother said I should never
ramble; while my father told me to
stay out of airports for life. Mostly,
I've done just what they asked..
The task at hand was never easier
then the one I'd just completed. I
was wrapped in a warp from which I
never escaped. Winchester Cathedral,
you're bringing me down...

14,219. RUDIMENTS, pt.1,257

RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,257
(usually and tellingly)
People give themselves away.
Always give themselves away.
I've seen it bandied about now
as a 'tell,'  -  what it's called in
shows and movies, like the
gambler's move or the nod
one makes in recognition of
a single situation. Whatever
it may be, a person's entire
personality is a 'tell' by those
standards. I've, over the years,
met people whom I've instantly
disliked, in a moment, because
of something perceived. In like
fashion, I've met a few, a very
few, with whom an instant bond
was perceived, an entire life
interaction between kindred
spirits from another world. 
Just like that. No interaction 
was even necessary.
Back when I was with Jane 
Roberts, in Elmira, with the 
Seth Books, and all the rest, 
she/he often talked of how 
waves of people (reincarnated
for their adventure sweeps),
come back through Earthly 
times together. As a unit, a 
group, spiritually fragmented
perhaps, but sweeping back 
through as a 'group' to undertake 
the adventures necessary again 
for an 'advancement' through 
cosmic time and adventure. A
way of saying, as it were, that
the same 'knot' of people works
their group-destinies through, as
a unit, yet individually too. Yes,
as an idea in function it's a little
hard to take, to fathom. The 
esoteric value of the idea was
that  -  for instance  -  the 
same group that went through
the Crusades, or Roman Legions, 
etc., perhaps to re-unite again
as Mayflower Pilgrims, or
Vietnam War soldiers. The
premise being that such a 'group'
experience would bolster the
cosmic experiences and the
advenutres of that same 'knot,'
who were 'one' self anyway.
Thus this idea led perfectly
into things like love at first
side, family-groupings, and
alliances between peoples, as
they underwent their dilemmas 
and crises anew. Nazi juggernauts, 
concentration camp Jews, displaced
Romanis. It was endless, and at
the same time self-rotating : A 
very difficult premise to accept, but 
each of us knows we've had those 
moments of recognition sometimes 
unexplainable. (Or how did you
meet YOUR wife?). [or husband]..
Admittedly, that's a pretty 
self-centered idea. Centralizing
oneself around the core of one's
character, events, and the world 
around is referred to, sometimes,
as solipsism, or a form of it. Yet,
back in those days (1973-6 era),
I was able to somehow (perhaps
with a vigor of 'youth'), to overlook
those fairly apparent objections and
accept genially that idea. In fact, inn
some respects it still makes a very
fine sense to me  -  in retrospect and
after a long-enough life, I can see
where certain meetings and feelings
towards others have meant a lot and
offered me that 'connection' that
sometimes still rang fresh in my
soul. All very difficult to accept,
perhaps, but to an oldster now, 
quite plausible as well.
I think of a cogwheel, with my own
notched 'grouping' preparing once 
again and soon enough to check 
out once more, a move that I can
arguably call 'in line' with this
premise. (That would, yes, mean
'waves' of like people coming
through, and exiting, at roughly
the same times, all having gone
through much the 'same'
experiences together).
Every alliance has its own avenues
of entry and exit. The same goes
for individuals and groups, as for
nations. Groupings and families,
nationalities even, cling together
like thoughts around an idea. The
treadmill of 'Philosophy' does touch
on this, but only tangentially. No 
one seems quite able to approach 
it rightly, and how would it be 
defensible anyway for a 'History' 
book to be covering the Holocaust 
merely be saying those 6-millions 
had, somehow, intermingling
connections and interests as to 
harness the drama and undergo 
the experience together? Truly, 
absolutely beyond reason?
I spin. I stumble. This is very
hard to verbalize, or at the least,
to sensibly write of. How many
passages like these would be used
to hold me to ridicule, based merely
on the ridiculous of the premise, in
common, ordinary, eyes. I think I'd
have to say, nonetheless, that I do
believe, and accept it. Actually it
makes vague and strong 'good 
sense.' In 1974 it made even more,
and the small clump of people
who listened to Jane and Seth
and watched the resultant books
and ideas come forth, (as I did),
found themselves somehow 
enamored of a theory that wrapped
up in a sterling fashion so much
of the ethereal nature of unknown
life-matters that we all face. Usually,
and tellingly, I found myself running
into evidences of all these things
more and more as I met new people.


I have a catalogue of mirrors I walk
through every day : some lead me 
nowhere. Others are doorways to 
places unseen; changeable matters
and stories that bring alternate
scenes. Mostly, it's a pleasurable
enough jaunt, though there have
been times I'd rather wished I'd
stayed away. Again, no matter in
the making of all that I have seen.
Transfixed by twisted images, or
occasionally the grotesque, I've
soldier on through thick and thin.
These mirrors disguise realities,
throwing convex ideas into concave
scenes; altering each digression,
making the broad seem thin, and
the thin more lean. All in all (it
could be said) a hall of mirrors
worth the harbor of Hell.
Streets that sing with sadness seem
both twisted and straight; different
directions paddling into each other.
Am I the one, then, to second guess?
Should I even be looking for what is
correct and, instead, allow these odd 
alterations their lives on their own?
How far can one man step into an
ocean of dread before he drowns? 
( I have a catalogue or mirrors 
where smiles are frowns, and
mourners  -  madly made  -  
become clowns).

Saturday, March 26, 2022


Things seem too much up to speed
these days, and everything's a mess.
Even Sunday mornings have lost
their holiness. There was a time.
Yes, there was a time.
Graduated inclines and protected
enchantments, when nothing at its
face was not what it was meant to
be. 'The responsibility for violence
lies with  those who perpetuate it.'
Salmon Rushdie said that. Or wrote
it anyway. So perpetrators perpetuate
what they perpetrate? Sounds sensibly
useful to me.
I won't play cards with the Devil no
more, and neither will he. We're both
goaded fish in a polluted sea. What
you don't observe, you'll never see.


Limelight girls and stagelight
strutters; Gentlemen Jims and
rumors of others. Myths are 
made by dreaming, taking
forms and hidden meanings.
'We may do this, just once:
enlighten the candle and hollow
out the churches for those who
make the wars.' There's no more
to come and discrepancies abound,
for they give truth to rumor.


No forging fake papers for me; the
way to the real remains real. Elmira's
only museum was fit for a king. In
each alcove another ancient painting.
Most of it was medical  -  some guy
who used to paint scenes of operations
and amputations. The old way, back
when anesteshia was a joke.
Trepanning, it was called. In living
color too. Painted like a photograph.


This particular frenzy abated. I
was walking alone through the
weeds  -  the old grave inscription
caught me short. It was the question 
mark that got me. 
'I'm Dead : You're Alive?'

Friday, March 25, 2022


Hard-hearted Hannah, the vamp
of Savannah. Yes, true, but once
I had got there I was told she was
gone. Someone pointed south, and
said, 'Maybe Saint Augustine?'
Should I travel some more just to
find nothing? Pirate ships, Spanish
coves, and all their crazy moss. Oh
me oh my, captivated was I.


At the museum, in front of
Picasso, Blue Period, I find
myself sorry for so many things.
All the failings and foibles of my
own. And I haven't even gotten
to Guernica yet.
I fall down every day, and then
beseech myself to get up again
and make some amends. A cattle
drive of the heart to an open corral
of emotion; that's me.


What they say and how they
say it  -  you can't put everything
in writing. Somehow I ended up
never alone. The Reverend Polly
beseeches, all the time.
Go round like a Merry-Go-Round;
how they say round and round  -
musical horses going up and down.

Thursday, March 24, 2022


Over in Africa, they get old
tee shirts by the thousands.
Star Wars and Back To the
Future, combined in a playland
of Rhinos and fast-track gazelles.
It all looks pretty good on some
tall, thin, local who doesn't even
know what it means. Like wearing
Kool tee's in a cancer lab?
Here, we get garbage scows out
on the ocean, dropping the piles
of New York shit 12 miles out.
I've seen it. The whole side opens
up, and out comes the flow, and
five minutes later the brown-cloud
of filth hits the fishing area I'm in.
None of this is ever mentioned and
the less said, the better. You can't run
for Mayor while disclosing all this,
or you'd be running from shit for the
end of your days and the locals don't
vote, they just rave at this.
It's gotta' go somewhere, the diceman
notes. He's sitting at a table at Gennaro's,
sucking down another espresso while
taking bets on the horses. 'S'cuse me,'
he says, as he gets up, 'be right back.
I gotta' see a man about a horse.'

14,209. RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,256

RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,256
(subaltern hip-hop redundant)
I always hated those guys
in 'rock' bands (The Geologists?),
who used single names that
weren't really names. Rather
they were actions, qualities, or
whatever oddball message was
meant. Slash. The Edge. Bono.
There are probably 30 others,
not counting the rap and hip-hop
guys, who seem to prefer the
size-nomenclature and volume-
values they use for name  -  'Lil
This or Lil That, Big This or
Big That. Never have seen Big
Dodo Brain for any of them, 
but it would probably be apt.
There's a self-conscious interlude
that everyone goes through, and
eventually comes out of. Usually
it starts at about age 13, and it's
over by 19, one hopes. Though
it doesn't always happen. The
best band name I ever heard, 
nicely capturing the actual reality
of that situation, was 'Arrested
This entire idea of 'rock music'
has very little to do with me, nor
with my personal histories, but 
I'm touching on it here as an 
adjunct to the entry-channel of 
a form of cultural-criticism for
a 'culture' that's never really had
one to boast of  -  other than the
ephemera of passing fads. In the
entire run of western philosophy,
I don't think America has ever
offered much. (Really, what's the
old America that gets celebrated?
Elvis? Josie and the Pussycats?
The Jackson Five?
Edmund Wilson said (1953, at
Princeton University), said: "a '
Prophet is someone who calls
people to their defining, truest,
deepest, or most resistant values:
that is, those values hardest, or
least possible, to live up to." He
was lecturing about Lincoln and
the literature that grew out of
the Civil War, I don't think 
we've had any of that in a 
very long time. Pop drivel and 
disposable music (words) just
repeat and reinforce the status
quo, reflecting the usual hedonism
and materialism which drives 
commerce. When I first arrived
in NYC, that drivel was rampant.
Peaches and Herb; Strawberry
Alarm Clock. Eventually the
best thing I ever hear was 'The
Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald,'
which at least had a basis in
a geographic reality. Not that
anyone cared.
I eventually tired. Yes, even I
got sick of girls' bare breasts and
the rampant nudity that passed for
Off-Broadway drama. Sleeping in
doorways, churches and missions,
and dining out of dumpsters, wore
thin, and quickly. I found myself
amidst a new place of decadent
nothingness, and little made sense.
A poor boy from the provinces, me
facing bombast : Songstresses
in denial about their real issues,
and toad-men, prancing about as
if no one else in then world ever
had a penis before. The culture
was a corrupted maze of sickness,
and people were freely handing
out more. was, to the mind, what
the AIDS crisis was to the body,
25 years later.
'The prophetic figure may seem 
to predict or call forth the future,
because he or she embodies his or
her place and time  -  his or her
commonality, and all those who 
make it up. The prophet looks at
the present and the past, at promises
made and promises broken  -  and
asks what fate is appropriate for the
commonality. More than that, the
prophet may embody both the promise
and the betrayal, embody the fate
of his or her nation  -  'nation' because 
for better or for worse the idea of
Prophecy has been bound up with
the idea of a nation, a commonality,
a people who are not like everybody 
else, ever since prophecy emerged 
from the mouths of Isaiah and
Jeremiah and Amos. 'You only have
I known, of all the families of the
earth'. When the prophet speaks
to the nation, the nation speaks 
to itself.'
All jumbled up as some of that may
be, it fairly well summons the sense
of absence or loss we now inhabit, 
and that I then only saw beginning. 
We abide by the void we've created.
A fellow may call himself Bono, as
an instance, yet inhabit some fleeceland
of pretension that never really owns 
up to its truer qualities: professing 
empathy while dicing wealth; to the 
effect that a  person just gets sick 
of seeing him and having to hear 
his awful, unguided, gibberish. 
Any of them and all; the same.
It no longer matters why the building
now being eaten by termites was
ever built in the first place.



(the logger)
Being still an angle, half an
angle gets yet considered an
angle. Shades of truth and
malediction too. I can accept
all that in pieces, and my book
is open to all outsiders.
I listen to the tall man talking;
little he says is addressed to me,
yet more than that makes little
sense. An empty bucket rattles
the most? No, actually that
can't be.
I watch him light a cigarette.
Yes, sometimes that still happens,
people doing that, as rare as it is
these days. He sits by the trunk
of his ladened auto. That trunk
being open, he keeps his chain
saws within.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

14,207. RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,255

RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,255
('all is quiet, on New Year's Day')
I awoke cold and quiet, on New
Year's morning, 1984. A lot had
changed for me. In the intervening
years I'd acquired a house (Metuchen,
NJ, 1979), a regular job, with hours
and salary and the rest, and, with
a 13 year old son, a full-blown
family setting. It hadn't taken but
a minute, it seemed, though in
actuality all that had spanned
the last bunch of years  -  tangled,
strange, and on the move. A music
group, U2, was all over the airwaves
that morning  -  New Year's Day.
They'd had a nearly perfect song
for the day, and now that it actually
was New Year's Day, the idiotic
rock-music stations played it to
death, in their commercial rituals
of selling equally idiotic kids the
products of America's rotten
There was nothing special about 
that, and it had always been so. 
One of the thematic pushes of the
country had always been 'radio,'
when it was newfangled, and later
when it was old-hat. TV had long
ago  supplanted any real usefulness
radio may once have had (all those
farmers and Depression families
huddled around their large wooden 
console-box radios, listening to
FDR or Father Coughlin rants. That
vast old world had changed anew,
and the only thing that had kept
radio going was the automobile
which, by the 1950's, in so many
ways, had become rolling sex-palaces
for youth and their mobility-factor
radios. No one stayed home, and in
the foul streets they dance, while
from car windows their ersatz
musics blared. That world had all
changed too  -  now things had
'conscience' and 'relevance' and
without that they were deemed
nothing. My friend Frank had
first brought U2 to my attention.
I actually little cared, but he was
quite enthused by them, calling
me for a listen, saying they were
a good mix of The Who and
some other group I now forget.
With s dollop of Irish Christianity
thrown in  -  which confused me
because that was so very old-line
and archaic in and of itself. To
mix the two seemed like some sort
of historic betrayals, or at least
a new-world blunder; killing by
its terms Lindisfarne and Eire
too. But, to be expected, nothing
old had, any longer a relevance,
and certainly anything historic
and legendary did not.
The world, in all its changing 
madness had actually just grown 
static. Oddly enough, in BOTH 
senses of the word. The noise of
radio-fuzz that is called 'static,'
and the idea of static and stasis,
as meaning fixed, unchanging,
having lost any dynamics. The
idea of driving around in a car
with cum-stained seats (that
only came later, after the old
vinyl-seat interiors had been
changed over to intense fabrics
and seat surfaces, which held
stains but became a boon for
the fabric-cleaner sprays and
applications) became that
version of that day's idea of
merit. Merit badges for the
'Explorer' crowd.
Anyway, on the crisp, cold
morning of Jan 1, 1984, yet
another transformation began.
Videos had become another
rash-craze, one to accompany
each song. 'Video killed the
radio star' was a phrase and a
song that had gotten much
currency, and was used as 
the opener, the very first song
and video broadcast a few
years earlier by MTV, which
in its beginning years played
nothing but these 'music videos'
in a new form of tight rotation
that was immediately pleasurable
to everyone. And playful, and
ironic, and suggestive, and dour.
Each act worked out its own
persona. The New Year's U2
video that morning kept to its
forceful and determinedly 'dour'
persona quite well, except that,
in fact, with its mix of horses, 
snow, longing, sternness, and
some strangely medieval quality
of 'strength' more feminine than
it was masculine, captured that 
day, that morning, and that year.
We been to a friend's house for
a very-usual New Year's Eve.
Two small families, not anything
more. I can remember two things,
I think, or as I recall: Listening to
Chrissie Hynde and the Pretenders, 
singing, from a boombox, their
song 'Brass In Pocket,' or whatever
it was called, and a film we watched;
a movie called 'Freaks'  -  which was
actually that  -  life-adventures of
circus freaks, in movie-form, with
plot, climax, and many bizarre
creatures and individuals, almost
to the point of bizarre, other-worldly,
Arriving home, the way-post-midnight
New Year's Day video welcoming,
for about a half-hour of repeated
play, was 'New Year's Day'  ['All
is quiet, on New Year's Day...I want
to be with you, be with you, be with
you, night and day']. At the same
time, it now being 1984, they had
opened the day's playlist with some
post-midnight thing called 'Good
Morning, Mr. Orwell.' All through
my youth the approach of 1984 
(Orwell's dystopian novel of the 
then-future), was always looming
yet seemed always distant. Now
it was here. Any expectations of
strange things, state-controls and
authoritarianism and enforced
conformity and all the rest was
nowhere to be found, and all my
feared expectations from all those
years before had been unfounded.
Hmmm, had they?
And then, just that quick, it was
over, and in but a few years what
once had been a future-expectation
('1984') had come and gone, was
over and done, and was never
mentioned again, and that dread
and looming portentousness a 
flop, and all the expectant air 
of that old balloon, gone. The
world really was flat.


Monday, March 21, 2022


Sometimes I think I can just
go off the deep end and trammel
my edges with softness. Other
times I think not. Like the manner
by which Rene Descartes disappeared
from his barstool when the barkeep
asked if 'wanted another' drink. He
answered, 'I think not,' and was
instantly disappeared.

14,205. THIS WORLD

I guess I like the better ups and
downs of time. The hills like lace
take on a glimmer; the sunlight
threads the branches.
My ride is parked at waterside.
Gazing out, I see the wandering
world elide  -  one thing simply
sliding into another.

14,204. DO YE ALL ELSE

The ale man has come down from
his Heaven and proclaims anew to
this world : 'All that ye see, do
against! Do ye all else.' My truly
comforting message.
There's a new light in the canyon,
and the people and animals see.

Saturday, March 19, 2022


Never grow tired of what you
don't hear - it's far better that
way. Men holding hamburgers
and steering wheels at the very
same time is never a good idea.
You can't get there from here.

Friday, March 18, 2022


Going rogue? Like Sarah Palin.
Used to be she defined the phrase.
Now she's nothing at all. And all
those women, still writing their 
poems, about hearts and loves 
and broken both and all those
missed moments when you could 
have mine and we could betroth.
Each other? Now I'm sick at heart.
'I am  -  even when inside the
kingdom  -  without.' Well OK,
and that's a good phrase : belittle 
the kingdom, walk all about. I
can't polish the apple, Eve, and
even Ukraine's down the drain.
What's that leave us. Death and
its population of slaves? Faith 
cowboys on the TV screaming?
What is all this? And why?
You can stay here for 60 a week.
But you have to feed yourself and
find the local attractions; feed the
horse and the chickens, wipe down
the cider mill trap. 
Maybe I'll come after you, someday.
There'd be nothing better than that.