Monday, February 22, 2021

13,441. FAIR TO SAY

There's no end to reality, I'd
say, if my head was forced upon
a block to say. Otherwise, it's just
to self-indulgent an item to mention.
The philosophic guys would make
mention, I'm sure, of interpretation
and observation, first. As they always
do; but it make no difference in the
end whether I describe the train that
hit me of deny that it occurred.
You see? Accepting the simple sense
of existence that we 'feel' as being quite
real does the rest. So, make your needed
appointments and get to them on time.
The boy you love will be waiting for
you, or perhaps you'll simply meet him
there, along the way.
The dream. The gleam. The one with
the big blue eye; or she, with the most
captivating enchantment for you. So all
and so very much real. Yes, fair to say.
He. She. Them. They.

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