Friday, November 4, 2011

3311. TREES

There wasn't a blanket for the forest,
nor a forest for the trees. Everything
was white, like a solid wall, bright. We
jangled the commingled action, screaming
all the while about things unseen. You
partied with your face off. I was the jester
to your mourning cloth. New Orleans and
then Mount Arlens  -  two such different
places and neither made a difference to
each. I called, but they all were calling back.
When the reivers hit the river, everything
went down. We were caught in the flood,
down in the flood, lost in the flood. We
were lost in the flood, down in the flood,
caught in the flood. My Arlington master
said I'd 'finally made the grade, in spite
of all else.' I really thanked him, and left.
With all of that, I was alone with...the trees.
A spangled whitewash, a jeddermaster fope
of mis-matched words, a harlequin of night's 
own fusion. I spoke to my dark shadow, and
it spoke right back, by the light of a now
gorgeous moon. I'd 'finally made the 
grade, in spite of all else.'

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