Monday, October 4, 2010


There was no taking back what already had
passed. I'd known that anyway. The lumbering
light had broken our brows as we spoke; patterned
reflections of leaves and trees splashing oddly,
I noticed, on your forehead and hair. That newly
installed black iron fence, so perfect behind your
form. The passing of a season, just like this,
would be a pleasure to behold.
'Come over to the this corner, watch my heels
in play.' I didn't understand your words and, gaping,
my own jellyfish mouth wondered what to say in return.
Or I wondered, I guess, what to make it say. Life
is a funny process like that - a part of me commands,
and another part follows. The mind is in control,
but everything else wallows, not knowing what to do.
Perhaps in itself that is why time passes.
We're lost without a referential edge, so -
as the sun passes overhead - we fill our times
and days with sleep and patter. Tongues wag.
Just out of reach, to my left, lines of people
kept passing. Art gallery denizens, weasels of
taste and fashion, high-line skippers running
a dirge of their own making. The city out
before me broadly stretched, buildings cloaked
in form and color and light of their own reflected
glory. I'd read the book, yet I forgot the story.

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