Friday, July 2, 2010


It was only my Heaven at the
fourteenth rage. The schoolmistresses
were buying happy purses on the television
show, going home with empty pockets where
their minds should go. I was nothing indelicate
that I'd not been before : peeking in windows
while they stripped the mirrors raw - before me
and God and the world. 'What a strange pudenda!'
I was heard to comment. 'Yes. I got it on the show -
and it was worth every cent.'
I was a wastrel before I was an orphan.
I found an I at the bootblack stand.
That crazy man had said to me : 'Look
at that! My God, won't these fires ever cease?'
Tom Foolery to Penelope Smith.
We make our most lazy arrangements
before we ship.......away.
'The Bible say 'ever be vigilant.'
That's why I don't get but so drunk.
I gots ta' keep watch. Mr. Death,
and no he say nothin'. I say 'what
you want Mr. Death? You be wantin'
me?' He just stared at me - carrying
that sickle in his hand. He say, 'you
want bound for another year?' I say OK,
and, see, I'm yet here.
'And oh Hip Hiram, barrelin' nice through
the Atlas Mountains, I really did miss
too much of this life.'

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