Monday, April 26, 2010


This sky rolls over forever, stretching out
and crossing every great divide. There's not
a match for this : steeple, carport, ranch house
shed. Every acre for a fool, and an America
made grand again. Lockstep the darlings.
Thinking about it now - how the moment
is experienced, I really see nothing at all. I
need to say, first: 'how is it that I know?'
And every such useless question to the fore
flies high. My pestilential mind starts wandering.
And that's how things begin : 'Images,
connections, observations and conclusions.
The immediate feeling where Knowledge begins
is, I think, the first moment of a true observation.'
I regale you with scenes of a brook - an
avid distance - running quietly under a little
stone bridge, and the people, above, walking.
The moment slowly passes. Red plaid,
dark denim, flannel, and a shawl...

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