Sunday, April 25, 2010


I was reading today just how Science
always wants its proofs. That's okay,
and understandable too. I'm handed
coffee in a cup that is hot - 'don't
spill!' - That proof will do.
The morning light sits around like a
lion, waiting : paws neatly tucked and
eyes alert. The thick fog of a cooler
daybreak hangs along the canal waters
and Carnegie Lake, as a paint still waiting
to dry. Scientists will want their proofs,
and I'm still wondering why.
It was myself - I, me, damned - fusing
that light on the first morning of the
new world. I watched the jetty with
someone's intent, knowing all to be,
knowing everything still to come. It
went from the sky, and came away.
The scientist, still talking, says:
'If we can make the world anew,
if we find a Second Genesis, then
maybe, only then, can I believe
in the search for another world.'

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