Friday, February 27, 2009


In the sense of having no roof yet maintaining a
line, keeping no shelter while having a form.
The hotel-keeper's daughter - whose name was Marnie -
kept busy with small talk and the cleaning of shoes.
Each Thursday she'd take the bus to the greenmarket
outside of town and buy some fresh goods for the
upcoming weekend. It was always a nice occasion -
once she'd prepared and served everything by
Saturday night. The dowagers of fame and fortune,
men of esteem, and even the other daughters of the
old town's fathers - they'd all attend. Everyone
knew everyone, and the small talk never ended.
I moved away in 1976 - just after Ford but still before
Carter. The first vote I ever cast - that was for Ford.
He lost; and I've never voted a winner ever. Ever.
Fact is, I could have voted years before, but never did.
Never voted since, either. Placed all my bets with Marnie.
And, you know what? In its own way, Luck's been
very good to me; very good indeed.'

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