Wednesday, February 4, 2009


('today' - an ideology piece)
Something horrid like a post-industrial society falling
to pieces, crumbling to its haunches, down on its knees. The last
gasp of some dying man - the kind of things they portray in
really bad movies where the hero is a swindler and his bride
gets all the loot - except in this case the bride, getting raped yet
again, has everything taken from her and has to pay all his bills.
It's a very gentle transparency made up of mirrors, smoke and
the most banal of images put to work for liars and cheats.
We once had bridges and overpasses quite nearly reaching to
the moon. Now, subterranean and mangled as we are, the patches
of crumbled brickwork, lest we forget, are falling down
upon our heads - rapacious rivers where the levees have
failed now taking back what belonged to it anyway, living on
land below sea level and not fit for a dog as we were. The
barricade you only thought you saw was really real -
storm-troopers and cadets guarding the ramps with
submachine guns and camo-pants in their boots.
Silly boys masquerading as something - we douse their flames
with innuendo; weekend warriors caught in a trap. Laughing
back in their stupid faces, we catch a glimpse, only that,
of their terror as it passes. There is no comfort on
that couch. There is only room for more.

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