Monday, February 16, 2009


Darkness catches the train-station waiting.
Lights along the steel are reflected back,
just once, into the already tired eyes of dawn,
trying to arise and enter. What is that long
over the horizon? We are seeking an arrival.
So many things flee the train, like cats
from a watery fiction. They run about until
something takes them in. People waiting for
rides, and lovers seeking their mate.
Trash-cans overflow with paper; yesterday's
comings and goings low along the grate.
Old cigarettes die by the flame. These
tracks are stuck with the curve of the Earth.
Shingles, and the roof. Smoke, and the chimney.
Once brick, always brick, it is said. Very little
changes in the country. Brown bags, rubber-bands,
gloves, shoelaces, and a box. Listen while you
can to your very own life.
One day the Sun won't rise.
Won't you be surprised.

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