Monday, January 26, 2009


Yesterday was fulfilled in the planning -
sunlight on the trailer, a rooftop glint seen
from afar, two men sparring on the open green.
The last pugilist I ever saw had just had his head
beat in - swollen eyes, bloodied mouth; he looked
like something the cat dragged in. Months later, I was
told, he entered a coma after a stroke. His brain was
shot, he couldn't remember a thing, and his mouth wouldn't
allow him to eat, just drool. It must have been pathetic.
Technical knock-out or not, he was done. Having entered
the ring, he never came out. His name was Boris something,
a big stupid oaf from Bulgaria. He went by the ring-name of
'Squeeze-Bull', and sometimes got six-hundred dollars to go
fifteen rounds, or try - what the hell. 'I didn't come to this America
for nothin' - he used to say - 'so I try make a living the best ways I
can be.' He had a wife and kid. Still around somewhere I guess.
Never entered the ring, neither one of them.
Just stayed outside, and watched.

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