Monday, January 9, 2012


I have been trounced by steel girders; there are
steel girders in my mind, squeezing my loins,
they run through my eyes and they have now,
already, broken both my hands. I am trussed
on steel girders, onto which have been stenciled,
(by someone), 'logic,' 'rationality,' 'presumption,'
'good sense,' and hundreds more. These are
small, little words somehow extending out past
the girders' ends as they, in turn, go on to
describe concepts, very large concepts, broad,
and vastly bigger than themselves.
Today I passed a Lotus dealer once again.
Out front, and inside, piles of expensive cars -
Ferrari, Porsche Carrera, a vintage '56 Lincoln,
numerous new Lotus cars, and a few old
sports cars as well, all in perfect shape. It
seemed the only people walking around there
were wealthy folk : especially some older,
capsized hippie type leftover from '71, in
perfect 'worn' jeans, a nice pair of boots and
a weatheredly haggard hippie face anyone
of that era could be proud to have. Yet now
he shopped for expensive cars, and what's
that tell you, you tell me. We agree?
I have steel girders pinching all my nerves,
extending out my crotch, piercing my innards
with pain, and bursting my spleen. I don't even
know what that is, actually. Baudelaire? or Verlaine?

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