Friday, August 13, 2010

1038. MY EPISODE 29

The man was talking like he had all the time in the world
at his disposal : 'parallel dichotomies, you see, are handled
quite easily. They are things appearing as opposites
yet actually quite the same - like war and peace, or
joy and sorrow. Love. Hate.' I threw my gloves down,
and left, having heard all this before, to weariness. The
window to my right, hanging open to the night, was
propped with a simple board - 'no dumber than a
bad argument' I muttered to myself, almost wishing
to jump. Four stories down, to end with a thump.
Loft city, to nowhere at all. Instead, I began to
marvel at the things I saw - light and glimmer,
all those weird, late night reflections, and
so much more. Entering some second
twilight of my subdued mind, I
simply sat and stayed in place.
To think was not the worst.
Episode 29.

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