Saturday, October 24, 2020

13,178. RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,080

RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,080
(time heals what?)
Somehow I was brought up to
respect everything. I was told
that anyway, at most every
empty turn and angle of the
crew and the compass. Those
two things which, oddly enough,
were the same things keeping me
in shackles. 'Land of the Free and
Home of the Brave' seemed to hold
little sense to me, or any point
of allegiance. Apparently 'home
of the brave' was meant to be
profligacy, large-finned cars, and
baseball cards  -  Ted Williams
and Louis Aparicio, flipped
against a wall. 'One way leads
to guidance; one way leads to
trust,' was more ever my own
watchword, and I ended up
caring little for what others
thought or did.
Now, it seems, I've climbed my
big hill, alone, and all of that
old pabulum and the sweet-sound
of parade-phrases and drum-major
marching cheers to live by seem
as silly as driverless cars; which
apparently too have been taken
up as an idea by the electric masses
to whom the waste of a life seems
nothing, but screaming about a 
wide-horizon world and global
climactics, as if they knew
anything at all about butter.
Hey, girls and guys, 'climax'
is not 'climate'  -  go find a
I never liked to mix things up. Even
here, in these courageously tedious 
daily briefings I've been writing
since "Hector was a pup'  -  as the
old saying goes  -  (Hector must be
long-grown and dead by now, poor
doggie), I've always tried to stay
focused, to a summation point,
somewhere down the end the line.
Shooting and raving all over the
place, though it may easily pass 
now for contemporary 'writing,'
does little good in making serious
points. [Street rabble and rock/rappers
take heed; your noise is useless scum,
NO lives matter, in the real end, and
what you get out of this life is the
endless and bottomless basket of
pomp and circumstances, and layers
of fake, erroneous, and twisted
psycho-babble by equally-twisted
little mind-benders].
But, (step back one step), fear not.
Why split the atom? Should you
not, first, be fully cognizant of the
manner in which all things have 
consciousness and are, in actual
essence, irreducible? You make
claims to 'follow science' but you
do not do so. 'Science' towers over
you, in all its essentials  -  and if
Science was ever to level with you
you would gasp and die by the errors
of your ways. When you say 'science,'
you do not mean 'Science.' You mean
functional utility  -  which pretty much,
and in the same way, as saying 'functional
illiteracy,' begs the question, 'what?'
Have you ever noticed how the most
sainted historic spots have always been
'taken over' by Government?' At one,
easy, level, we get the schools and
civic halls, police stations and hospitals,
most often with some little pocket-park
and a marker nearby, attesting to the
'sacred' ground nearby, where Indian
raids despicable in form, took place,
or where soldiers massacred 5,000
local natives, or some weird battle
or strange bloodletting for a cause
took place  -  here at the grist-mill
or at Brandt's ferry crossing, where
the local Indians revolted at Minisink,
and torrid fighting and desecration took
place. Fort Delaware; any dim port
along the old Hudson River, some
deadly, Catskill pool or eddy. Even
little-famed Mt. Pisgah, atop Troy, PA,
has its statue of the weeping Indian
being forced out by Sullivan's sabres.
Going with the 'territory,' obviously, 
has to be this takeover for validation;
by the powers that move in, and 'write'
the narrative they want written, and that
one alone. Replacing all this with the
monumental suffering of the bureaucrat,
the rules and the local Ruler, the subjugation
of land and water; the destruction of it all.
That's how 'claimants' make their claims
and take over the physical world. It happens
here, and it's happened everywhere   - in
Europe, in Africa, and Asia too. Annunaki
and Sumerians; beware  -  Humankind is
a slave race, once created mechanically,
for burdensome work, for drudge, and
now let loose with only the faintest world
and tribal memories of their constant
past, present, and future. Which they
somehow still think are three different
The simple fact is, Consciousness rules,
and from afar. And Consciousness is soon
returning. To all the souls of the dead, this
is actually nothing, and they really will
arise once more. And to do this all over
again, as well. All things recur, just as
much as all things do NOT exist at all.
What Governments, Title heads, Claimants,
and all the rest, do not realize is, in
coveting, claiming, and taking over
these sacred, old, energy-vortex spots,
for their own foolish and passing and
linear and rational purposes, their greater
souls are unwittingly reacting to the
cosmic 'Energies' still current in these
places. They MUST cover them up;
they MUST conceal. Time itself, which
is merely space and shape and form, 
(a teardrop of Nature), 'heals' nothing.
Those 'Noble' savages? They too are
all still present, 'out there,' to weep and
to avenge. The avenging takes place
by the functional uses of....error.
Order has to be put, to a wild hand. 

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