Saturday, October 17, 2020


For the love of God, Amerika, please
cut it out : once and for all we're sick
of you. Vacillating harbor ship, cruising
to nowhere at all but sorely needing help.
The Cruise Industry, haven't you heard,
is dead. So is the Movie Industry, fake
face, artificial tits, squeeze-bucket minions
of mayhem. Go home Amerika, or at
least get out of my way. I'm sick of your
melting pot GreeksArmeniansMexicans
ItaliansHispanicsSlovakiansand Poles.
You make porno look good.
I've gone to seed over your Polkas too.
In Heaven there is no beer. That's why
they drink it here? Tout your guns at
a midshipman's alarums, not mine. I
alone can speak brute force to power.
I once met a wife in Avalon. I thought
she was mine, now she's gone. Here's
to you and Timbuktu. My greased
wheels can outrun your lightning.

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