Thursday, October 6, 2011


My Knoxville shakeout came like this:
plane wings down, hit the tarmac,
grab a bag and walk the ellipse. Tuba
player and sing-shift clarinetist both
along for the ride. Observe the stage,
survive the ride. At half past seven,
(yeah, they'd written it all out), the
music was to begin. Stride forth
like some piano man surely
breaking wind.
The crowd was along in pairs,
two by fours and tuxedo junctions.
Sitting to stare, small cocktails
in smaller glasses, half dead or
half awake it wouldn't have really
mattered. Why we played on,
to the stroke of one, I'll
never really understand.
Got paid in Rue Diablos, some
Devil-money shaped like squares.
I knew this was over before it
started; 'Joe! There's the
plane, get up those stairs!'

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