Thursday, May 19, 2011


It was only last Saturday that I walked straight into
the sky, long and definite steps ahead of me. Near my
eyes, the water was running, as if the falls before
me dispensed water and blessings the same. Two
women, eating crackers, sat serenely by, while a
man with a camera strolled across the scene.
I had just spent 6 days reading Hamlet, and
was ready for a new suspense. Who had done
this, and where and why? Identifying
myself as King, again I sighed. These
all were trying moments.
If I was ever saddled with you before, or
even the guilt of wanting, and then having,
and then losing you once more, I had long
ago forgotten. All I do recall is the thin,
dark girl in that wedding party looking
up at me along the higher ramp. She
was holding some flowers, and had
quizzical eyes. A waiter from some
Bolivian crew was busy dispensing
chocolates. All those female hands,
reaching out for sweets.

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