Monday, September 16, 2013


The Summer came and went  -  kids yelling and
preening in the park, stupid fuckers fucking in
cars and yellow wagons. As though youth has no
age, it never ends correctly. Now they're parking
Jeeps and Subarus where the bats used to fly;
a half-paved gargantuan submission to fixation
and adolescent growth. Lightning bugs glitter.
I walked seven miles just the other day  -  from 34th,
across to Park, diagonal uptown to Sutton Place and
all that up there, higher and higher it seemed. Carl
Schurz Park; all those willowy and old yet walking
people. I've noticed that when nurses and attendants
hold a rich person's elbow, they're always looking
away. Elder care only goes so far, and then it stops,
becomes distasteful, and loses its appeal.
Not done yet: and then I walked back, first across
town, over to the westside and all those more
shaggy streets. There the old folks just wither on
benches and die. No one other than a few seemed
really to care. The Zabar's smoked meat counter
counts off all those numbers backwards, and then
calls out names instead of digits anyway.
The parasol hooker looked my way. I smiled and
waved her off  -  'had you too many times already'
I said, but she didn't hear my joke.

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