Monday, September 16, 2013


Fortunato and Montresor we are not  -  two better
bums could not be found, but, whatever  -  the cake
here is in the baking, the fine drink in the drinking.
I've gone crazy enough to try and murder, and now
people say my revenge is insane. Like sunlight
prying the bars, piercing the gloom in effect, I
seek a goodness and a light that no longer exists.
Good God they are right! I am mad and crazed.
Pureblind, sick at heart, twisted with a grimace
and a lace of disrepute. All these things, now,
so long later, are around my own neck, dangling
like charms, chiming like a bracelet, sopping up
my dreams like a grandmother's old-chair doily.

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