Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Yes, well
, we hired a mourner for use,
but he didn't know what to mourn and
couldn't find any reason to search.
Yes, well, we hired a flower-cart for
blossoms and blooms, but when she
arrived with an empty cart, she explained
'That's just the way it always is.'
Yes, well, we hired moonlight for some
moon, but when it showed up 'twas but a
sliver to what we'd expected to see; a
slim crescent moon to our full degree.
We all shrugged and figured 'it had
to be better than the dark.'
Yes, well, we hired a gravedigger
to dig out a tomb, but he arrived with
a rubber mallet and a simple teaspoon.
'Well, there's nothing more to dig,' he said,
'or we'll all be expired soon.'
Yes, well, we wanted to hear something
special, the best, so we hired an orator
grand from the envied halls of Congress.
He wouldn't speak a word, and
was a dumb mute no less.

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